MTSS-I Virtual Learning Summit 2023
Tiered for Success: An Unwavering Focus on Student Growth
August 9-10, 2023
This event occured in the past. To access conference materials and presentation recordings, click the button below.


Event Schedule
Download Full Program DetailsDay 1
Time | Session |
8:30 - 9:55 AM | Welcome |
10:00 - 10:50 AM | Ensuring Equity-Centered MTSS-I |
11:00 - 11:50 AM | District Implementation Team Planning: Using the District Capacity Assessment |
12:00 - 12:30 PM | Lunch Break |
12:40 - 1:30 PM | Overview of Middle School Evidence-Based Literacy Intervention Practices |
1:40 - 2:30 PM | The MTSS-I Playbook: Building a Winning Plan |
2:40 - 3:30 PM | Panel Discussion - Exemplar District |
Day 2
Time | Session |
8:30 - 9:55 AM | Welcome |
10:00 - 10:50 AM | Initiatives Inventory: Alignment and Management of Programming to Support Student Growth |
11:00 - 11:50 AM | Introduction to Reading-Tiered Fidelity Inventory |
12:00 - 12:30 PM | Lunch Break |
12:40 - 1:30 PM | Trauma-Informed MTSS-I |
1:40 - 2:30 PM | Data – We Have it... Now What? |
2:40 - 3:30 PM | Planting Joy: Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health (MH) Supports Into Our Tiered Supports Framework |
Keynote Speakers
Download the program to read full speaker bios
Dr. Stacy Williams
Director of NYSED’s MTSS-I Center located at the University at Albany
Christopher Suriano
Assistant Commissioner of NYSED's Office of Special Education
Dr. Jose Castillo
Associate Professor of School Psychology at the University of South Florida
Dr. Kevin Quinn, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Special Education in the School of Education at the University at Albany
Dr. Nikole Y Hollins-Sims, Ed.D.
Senior Educational Consultant & Strategist for Hollins-Sims Consultation
Session Descriptions
Ensuring Equity-Centered MTSS-I
Systems Capacity
MTSS aims to ensure that all students have the opportunities and support needed to address their unique academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. However, MTSS doesn’t inherently disrupt educational contexts that can disadvantage students with marginalized identities. If these contexts are not intentionally addressed, MTSS can lead to ongoing or even worsening inequities and disproportionate outcomes. This session will explore the importance of and strategies for critically reflecting on systems and mindsets that perpetuate inequities in order to improve the implementation of MTSS.
Presenter: Trynia Kaufman
District Implementation Team Planning: Using the District Capacity Assessment
Systems Capacity
We will introduce National Implementation Research Network’s (NIRN's) Active Implementation Framework (AIF) and the District Capacity Assessment (DCA) as a tool used by district’s to build capacity to implement and sustain MTSS. The presentation will connect district wide goal setting for implementation using the DCA.
Presenter: Rodrigo Campos, PsyD
Overview of Middle School Evidence Based Literacy Intervention Practices
Instruction & Intervention
This presentation will highlight reading intervention practices for older students that are research-based and which were recently endorsed by the Institute of Education Sciences. We will share key points participants may use when advocating for explicit reading instruction at later grades. We will briefly review reading interventions and activities aligned with reading science, such as decoding multisyllabic words, providing fluency building activities and structuring comprehension building practices within the secondary program.
Presenters: Gina Kupfer, Eileen Tobin, Arlene Crandall
The MTSS Playbook: Building A Winning Plan
Capacity and Fidelity
One of the core features of successful implementation is a clearly communicated plan. Join us as we walk through the critical elements of an effective plan for putting together a playbook. We will offer participants a template for communicating the crucial information that your teams need to be successful in implementing MTSS-I in your districts.
Presenters: Meredith Rivet & Steve Rappleyea, PsyD
Initiatives Inventory: Alignment and Management of Programming to Support Student Growth
Capacity and Fidelity
Have you struggled with managing all the initiatives within your district? In this session we will define what an initiative inventory is, and how to use it to build bridges between programs. Using this tool can assist in identifying duplicative initiatives and determine whether resources are being allocated equitably.
Presenter: Renee Beaulieu
Introduction to R-TFI 2.1: Implementation Considerations, and an “Unwavering” Focus on Student Growth in Elementary School and Beyond
Instruction & Intervention
Elementary schools that faithfully implement evidence-based instructional practices have the best chance of achieving the goal of successfully teaching all their students to read in the primary grades. But what about our students who leave elementary school with unresolved reading deficits? With its October 2022 release of the RTFI 2.1, Michigan’s MTSS Technical Assistance Center (MiMTSS) provides an invaluable road map to schools with students in grades 4 and higher. Participants in this session will be introduced to this latest addition of the R-TFI through the lens of Implementation Science, with particular attention to the specific challenges of implementing tiered supports beyond the elementary years.
Presenter: Daniel Carroll
Trauma-Informed MTSS-I
Systems Capacity
In this session, Kevin will review the biological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects of trauma (including the COVID-19 pandemic) on child and youth development and the ways they in turn affect a student’s academic and behavioral functioning in the classroom. He will also share a defendable theory of action that serves as a sound foundation for delivering trauma sensitive support to all students. Finally, he will discuss practices educators may use to support students who are overwhelmed by the toxic stress response that they developed as a result of experiencing traumatic adverse childhood experiences.
Presenter: Dr. Kevin Quinn, Ed.D.
Data – We Have it... Now What?
Assessment and Decision-Making
Research supports the value of good data for moving school initiatives in support of our students. Join Meredith in this session to discuss the necessary data to move initiatives and best practices to collect, analyze, determine goals, and create action plans for success. She will provide participants with simple-to-use templates to take to your teams in order to be truly successful in data-driven practices.
Presenter: Meredith Rivet
Planting Joy: Integrating SEL and MH Supports Into Our Tiered Supports Framework
Instruction & Intervention
SEL? MH? PBIS? MTSS-I? How do all of these fit together in a unified and simple system supporting students? We will provide a clear framework for integrating social emotional learning and skills with mental health support systems within the MTSS-I framework.
Presenter: Steve Rappleyea, PsyD & Natasha J. Hogg